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Proposed New Prosperity Mine puts Grizzlies at Risk.

381 grizzly bears were shot in B.C. in 2011.

Faisal Moola, director of terrestrial conservation for the David Suzuki Foundation, said the increase in grizzly deaths occurs while the species' habitat is at risk from massive private-sector development projects.

He singled out Taseko's New Prosperity resubmitted gold-copper mine proposal at Fish Lake in the Chilcotin as one of the projects that will "eviscerate some of the best grizzly bear habitat left in North America."

FONV has consistently warned of the danger that the size of the work camps and the number of employees that will be introduced into the Fish Lake area will see grizzly mortality rise - through greater access to hunters, increased vehicle or other accidents and the attraction of bears to dump sites.

Read Larry Pynn's article in the Vancouver Sun HERE.

Posted by: Admin. Friday Mar 30, 2012 13:45
Categories: Grizzly | Tags: bears, Chilcotin, Mining

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