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Tag: court case
Page: 1
Celebration of Title Victory
Following on the Supreme Court of Canada's historic declaration of Aboriginal title, FONV hosted a celebration of this victory on Saturday, July 5th. A banner was signed by all who came and was later presented to Chief and council at the Xeni Gwet'in Band Office. While we ...Posted by: Admin. Friday Sep 12, 2014 10:09
Categories: Title | Tags: court case, Taseko, Tsilhqot'in
Tsilhqot'in Title Case Makes History
"Held: The appeal should be allowed and a declaration of Aboriginal title over the area requested should be granted. A declaration that British Columbia breached its duty to consult owed to the Tsilhqot’in Nation should also be granted". On June 26, 2014, the Supreme Court ...Posted by: Admin. Saturday Jun 28, 2014 12:21
Categories: aboriginal, Title | Tags: court case, rights and title, Supreme Court
Second CEAA Panel Gives New Prosperity Project Another Scathing Review
A second strongly negative CEAA Panel report released October 31, 2013 (after an initial damning CEAA Panel report in 2010 and a federal thumbs down in 2010) makes it strike three against Taseko's proposed "New Prosperity" mine. Responses from all of us who have written, spoken ...Posted by: Admin. Saturday Nov 02, 2013 13:25
Categories: CEAA, Tsilhqot'in | Tags: aboriginal, activism, court case, Marilyn Baptiste, Ottawa, Prosperity Mine, rights and title, Xeni Gwet'in
Watershed Moment: Opportunity to Navigate a Path to Reconciliation
Recognition of Aboriginal title is the starting point for Canada, as a nation, to finally start dealing honourably with First Nations. "First Nations want to achieve reconciliation with the Crown through honourable negotiations and partnerships. We seek respectful and principled ...Posted by: Admin. Wednesday Oct 30, 2013 16:22
Categories: aboriginal, Court case | Tags: activism, court case, Ottawa, Tsilhqot'in, Xeni Gwet'in
Tsilhqot’in Applaud Affirmation of Aboriginal Rights by BC Court of Appeal
Vancouver, B.C., June 27, 2012: The Tsilhqot’in Nation has never ceded nor surrendered our title and rights and this point was proven today. Since before the time of contact we have protected and defended our lands, waters and territories. “Taking our fight to the B.C. Court ...Posted by: Wolfgang Zilker Thursday Jun 28, 2012 11:05
Categories: Court case, TNG, Tsilhqot'in, Xeni Gwet'in | Tags: Brittany Triangle, court case, rights and title
Tsilhqot'in win Injunction against Taseko
On Friday, December 2, 2011, Judge Gruaer granted the Tsilhqot'in National Government an injunction against Taseko Mines Ltd. coming onto their territory. TNG's lawyer, Jay Nelson (Woodward and Co.), successfully argued that the Tsilhqot’in people were not properly consulted before the B.C. ...Posted by: Admin. Friday Dec 02, 2011 14:34
Categories: Prosperity, Taseko | Tags: court case, Prosperity Mine, Taseko, Tsilhqot'in
Tsilhqot'in Launch Court Case Against Exploration Approvals
WILLIAMS LAKE, BC. Nov. 11, 2011: The Tsilhqot’in Nation has launched a court challenge asking the B.C. Supreme Court to invalidate or suspend approvals granted by British Columbia to Taseko Mines Limited for extensive drilling, excavation, timber clearing, road construction and other ...Posted by: Admin. Friday Nov 11, 2011 14:57
Categories: Taseko, Tsilhqot'in | Tags: court case, ecosystem, Fish Lake, Taseko, Tsilhqot'in, Xeni Gwet'in
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