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Category: Mining

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First Nations Face Down Mining Interests

Throughout Canada, First Nations are facing down mining companies over projects planned in their territories In northwestern Ontario, Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation is working to halt Gods Lake Resources and their Sherman Lake Gold Project. In British Columbia, the ...

Posted by: Admin. Tuesday Mar 06, 2012 12:20
Categories: Mining | Tags:

Ten Reasons Why Prosperity Mine Bid Will Fail

TEN REASONS WHY PROSPERITY MINE BID WILL FAIL Investors hoping to cash in on Taseko Mines Ltd’s second Prosperity Mine bid should think back a year. Despite assurances from the company and its president that it would proceed, the company’s original bid was soundly rejected by the ...

Posted by: Admin. Friday Feb 11, 2011 11:12
Categories: Mining, Prosperity | Tags: Fish Lake, Prosperity Mine, rights and title, Taseko, Teztan Biny

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