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Tsilhqot'in win Injunction against Taseko

In their fight to protect their lands, the Tsilhqot'in people have gone to the Canadian courts time and again.Time and again they have won for the facts are that these lands, in the Caretaker areas of the Xeni Gwet'in and Yunesit'in Tsilhqot'in communities, have never been ceded or given up through treaty or any other means. It is deep within Tsilhqot'in culture and way of life that the land, above all, must be protected against inappropriate activities like industrial logging, mining and dam building.
“New Prosperity” mine would destroy, Little Fish Lake, Fish Creek and Nabas, and ultimately Fish Lake. It would imperil the Taseko River and the provinces great Fraser River salmon runs. It is an enterprise that must never be realized. Ts'il?os and the Tsilhqot'in people know this.
In Judge Vicker’s Rights and Title ruling of 2007, he found that, “…. to the Tsilhqot'in First Nation, the land is inseparable from their history and tradition and, as a people, the Xeni Gwet'in have "the sacred duty to protect the nen (land) .....on behalf of the Tsilhqot'in people."
The injunction will be in force until a judicial review over the provincial government permits can be heard.
Support for this fight has been constant and growing. Drummers and singers, speakers and representatives from Tsilhqot'in communities, along with dozens of other supporters from the UBCIC and environmental organizations and concerned citizens, have been rallying outside the Vancouver court house all week along to bear witness to this case. Each morning court was in session, people have been praying and drumming in Tsilhqot'in communities far from Vancouver. The depth and strength of opposition to this project is overwhelming.
Media coverage and more background here: Taseko hears about province's failure to consult (Stockwatch) and B.C. court issues injunction to stop exploration at the proposed New Prosperity Mine (Vancouver Sun)
Posted by: Admin. Friday Dec 02, 2011 14:34
Categories: Prosperity, Taseko | Tags: court case, Prosperity Mine, Taseko, Tsilhqot'in